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Raven Kennedy - Glow (The Plated Prisoner Series, Book 4)

Raven Kennedy

Glow (The Plated Prisoner Series, Book 4)


4750 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5890 Ft

Szállítás: 3-5 munkanap
(Korlátozott mennyiségben áll rendelkezésre.)

Kiadó: Penguin Books Ltd.

Év: 2023

Glow (The Plated Prisoner Series, Book 4) - Raven Kennedy

'It scares me - what I did that night. Because I don't know my own power... But that's been the problem all along, hasn't it?' My life has been shaped and controlled by the greed of others, but that ends now. I have burned down the court of King Midas and from those flames, I will rise and wield my own power. The problem is, when you turn against a King - everyone turns against you. But with Slade by my side we will fight the monarchs that come for us. And if we need to become the villains, then so be it. Because as long as I live in this world, I won't be used again. I must be strong. I must be undefeatable. I will shine like the sun - and blind our enemies... ..

Raven Kennedy IDEGENNYELVŰ ANGOL Penguin Books Ltd.

Raven Kennedy - Glow (The Plated Prisoner Series, Book 4)
Formátum könyv
Kiadó Penguin Books Ltd.
Év 2023
Katalógusszám (ISBN) 9781405955065
Online ár 4750 Ft
Eredeti ár 5890 Ft
Online kedvezmény 20%
Szállítás Az országos forgalmazó a következő tájékoztatást adja: "Ebből a tételből csak korlátozott mennyiség áll rendelkezésre, a szállítást nem tudjuk biztosan garantálni."
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