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Susan Mallery - Home Sweet Christmas

Susan Mallery

Home Sweet Christmas


5315 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6595 Ft

Szállítás: 3-5 munkanap
(Korlátozott mennyiségben áll rendelkezésre.)

Kiadó: Mills & Boon

Év: 2022

Home Sweet Christmas - Susan Mallery

Coming home for Christmas... Returning to her home town of Wishing Tree is definitely temporary for Camryn. She can’t wait to leave and get back to her ‘real life’. Until she meets Jake. Suddenly Camryn starts to see the town, and it’s Christmas traditions, differently. She thought she’d put her future on hold…but maybe her real life was here all along, waiting for her to come home. New in town, River is charmed by Wishing Tree’s Christmas traditions and warm-hearted people, especially Dylan Tucker whose snow melting kisses bring her to the brink of love. But Dylan has a secret and River can’t risk falling for him until she uncovers it, even if that means losing him forever. Both women find themselves faced with difficult decisions. But if they are prepared to risk their hearts, they might find they are about to have a Christmas to remember… ..

Susan Mallery IDEGENNYELVŰ ANGOL Mills & Boon

Susan Mallery - Home Sweet Christmas
Formátum könyv
Kiadó Mills & Boon
Év 2022
Katalógusszám (ISBN) 9781848458987
Online ár 5315 Ft
Eredeti ár 6595 Ft
Online kedvezmény 21%
Szállítás Az országos forgalmazó a következő tájékoztatást adja: "Ebből a tételből csak korlátozott mennyiség áll rendelkezésre, a szállítást nem tudjuk biztosan garantálni."
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